
Address climate change through energy innovation! Share projects that help conserve energy, create clean energy, or raise awareness about energy use.

Did you harness the power of a free and abundant resource like the sun or wind to power your gadget? Discover a technique for making a household appliance more efficient? Create a beautiful work of art to visualize real-time electricity consumption? First of all, kudos to you for being energy conscious. Second, enter your project in Make Energy: A US–Mexico Innovation Challenge. You could win a MacBook Pro, a Huxley RepRap kit or other excellent prizes.

Partners in the United States and Mexico organized this challenge, but it is open to makers all over the world. Give your creativity a boost by checking out these sample projects!

Want more contests? Check out Instructables' upcoming contests here!

¡Ataja el cambio climático a través de la innovación en energía! Comparte proyectos que ayudan a conservar la energía, generar energía limpia, o crear conciencia sobre el uso de energía.

¿Aprovechas el poder de un recurso gratuito y abundante como el sol o el viento para alimentar tu gadget? ¿Descubriste una técnica para hacer un electrodoméstico más eficiente? ¿Creaste una bella obra de arte para visualizar el consumo de electricidad en tiempo real? Primero que nada, pemítenos felicitarte por estar consciente de la energía. Ahora te invitamos a dar el siguiente paso inscribiendo tu proyecto en el Make Energy: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge. Puedes ganar un MacBook Pro, un kit Huxley RepRap, entre otros excelentes premios.

Socios en los Estados Unidos y México organizan este desafío, pero está abierto a los fabricantes de todo el mundo. Inspira tu creatividad con esta muestra de proyectos.

The MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge is closed.

Grand Prize


Judges' Prize: Spanish Languge (1)

37 Prizes

Grand Prize (1)

One Grand Prize Winner will receive: Gran Premio (1)
El ganador del Gran Premio recibirá:

Judges' Prize: Spanish Languge (1)

One Judges' Prize winner for best instructable written in Spanish will receive: Premio del Jurado: Idioma Español (1)
El ganador del Premio de Jurado al mejor proyecto escrito en español recibirá:

First Prize (5)

Five First prize winners will receive: Primer Premio (5)
Cinco ganadores del primer premio recibirán:

Second Prize (10)

Ten Second Prize winners will receive: Segundo Premio (10)
Diez ganadores del segundo premio recibirán:

Runner Up (20)

Twenty runner up prize winners will receive: Finalistas (20)
Veinte finalistas recibirán:
How It Works

Write an Instructable

Create a new Instructable that fits the guidelines outlined in the contest description above. To be eligible, Instructables must be published between Nov 15, 2014 and Mar 2, 2015 (11:59pm PT).


Upon publishing your Instructable you'll see checkboxes for open contests. Select MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge. If you have entries currently eligible for entry, it will also show up by clicking "Enter this Contest" on the right side of this page.


Entries are accepted by Instructables staff within one business day Monday - Friday. What matters is the submission time, not acceptance time.


A panel of judges made up of Instructables staff and respected members of the community rate the finalists. The averages of the ratings determine the winners.


When the winners are decided they will be notified and announced here on the contest page.